Staying AWAKE!


The wave of exhaustion that was hitting me this Tuesday early afternoon was simply ridiculous. My eyes were closing on its own accord. Its not even like I haven’t slept enough (I don’t think ) I even slept later than usual. My allergies were (still) bothering me and I haven’t made enough of an effort to follow through with all of my allergy solutions. OTC allergy meds haven’t been as helpful as I hoped but a side effect of it is extreme exhaustion which makes it hard to focus on the work at hand.

Some solutions:

  1. Pour a cup of ice water down your back, if you cant do it to yourself have a coworker do the honors (Tip: Close the door so other individuals do not cart you away due to the nervous-breakdown–like noises)
  2. Rub your face with ice cream
  3. Bite a lemon
  4. Get out of seated position and proceed to do 15 jumping jacks (ignore all of the stares you will get.)
  5. Do a headstand for 5 minutes (or until your face is red enough.)
  6. Jog in place
  7. Proceed to take off extra layers and turn the decrease the temperature (when you are good and frozen only then can you put back on those ‘extra’ clothes)
  8. Drink a mint tea
  9. Write a list of 30 reasons you really need to stay awake.
  10. Think funny thoughts – laugh loudly.
  11. Brighten up the room- put on all the lights, open the window shades.
  12. Open the windows when a bee comes in run around the room screeching like a banshee.
  13. Do some yoga (google the specific kinds that wake you up)
  14. Pinch yourself repeatedly, after you have enough black and blue marks all over put ice on it.
  15. Stand on your desk and sing an annoying song on volume 500, after enough people hear you enough tomatoes, pens, tape etc. will be thrown in your vicinity. Get off your chair and pick up all the junk that has accumulated.

This is just a starter… there are plenty of more… creative options… I would love to hear yours!

 I went to health food store and explained to the guy all of my ‘ailments’ (like reynauds= poor blood circulation) . So he made me stand barefoot on a mat with painful spikes poking out and stuff! He explained to me how its an accupressure mat and its really helpful for my blood circulation. He also mentioned my face was turning flushed from the blood circulating  I didnt bother mention that I was blushing because I was embarrassed and I looked like an absolute idiot- lol I wasnt really since I didnt know anyone anyways 😉
He also gave me this oil you are supposed to put wherever it hurts. My allergies have been acting up (congested, sore throat, runny nose etc.) He let me test it out first and he gave me a cotton ball which he put some of the oil on it, it smelled very strong. But I did as i was told and rubbed it on my forehead, temples and around my nose , and within minutes I felt tingling and it was gone (lol not my forehead and temples and nose – that would have been retarded – the pain and congestion was gone!) I hope its not too dangerous ( even though its all natural oils) I have been using it all day to help with the allergies! Its been working like a miracle (check it out at

Allergies – Oh no!


Last year I didn’t suffer from allergies and was thrilled that I was finally ‘over it,’however I was sadly mistaken. The reason why I hadn’t been affected by allergies was because of honey.

Last year for the whole year beginning from November through August I had taken honey (1 Tablespoon, before bedtime) because I was into this ‘honey diet’ which was supposed to make you sleep better. It helped me with that and it had one unusual side effect – it made me immune to seasonal allergies, just for the season.

After some time, I completely forgot about the honey diet, as well as my allergies.

Three weeks ago my allergies were back = with a vengeance!

After reading up on what helps prevent it, and honey was on the ‘list,’ I realized I had to go back to the honey.

You are supposed to use locally grown honey, because the bees buzz all around and make honey. Inside the honey is natural- immunity (like a shot) because of the pollen local to that area is what would be affecting you.

I began taking the honey and it helped but two days ago my throat began to tickle.

This morning it was not funny!

I wouldn’t stop sneezing.

(If I were in a car accident because of a sneeze do you think I would be at fault?

I wonder.)

My next thing I must try is Butterbur. There has been enough evidence that has satisfied my innate curiosity. It’s only toxic if the company hasn’t taken out the pyrrolizidine alkaloids which are toxic to the liver. But other than that it was used to treat coughs, asthma, and wounds. Researchers have identified what is in butterbur that help reduce allergy symptoms it inhibits leukotrienes and histamines.

The other natural things were simply not feasible, like cut out sugar, wheat and dairy. (What is a hot day without a smoothie?) Those things heightened inflammation of any sort. But maybe I could try increasing my intake of Omega 3s and that would counteract any inflammation (due to junk food and dairy) as Omegas 3s achieve the exact opposite effect.

I will try to keep you all posted. I will buy butterbur first thing tomorrow!

I killed him

I was shocked.

It’s kinda his fault anyway I mean he ran into the street.

I tried convincing myself.

I was not convinced.

My mind kept rewinding – back to the thump of his little body under my tires.

What an awful way to die, he was probably young and had his whole life ahead of him.

Well he was chasing a bird into the street.

I tried convincing myself.

I was not convinced.

My brain kept on showing his little gray furry image lying on his back, paws up… and the blood!

The poor little squirrel.

I wish I wasn’t running off to work.

Then I would at least bury it.

I felt rotten the entire day.

I am having a panic attack

I informed everyone at my brother’s b-day party, in a calm voice.

My throat felt like it was constricting and I was having difficulty breathing, my heart felt like it was beating wrong.

“What are you panicking about,” mom asked concerned.

“Nothing that I am aware of.”

“I must be panicking because I have nothing to panic about.”


I explained my symptoms.

My father asked if I just had a huge, intense coffee.

“Nope- I said, I haven’t had one all day.”

Did you eat anything different? An energy drink or something?

“No” I said.

Then I realized I had tried a new kind of chocolate – an 82% cocao chocolate bar.

It tasted like the really healthy kind. I have eaten high percentage cocoa chocolate in the past other types – I am weird and love that kind.

“It’s a caffeine rush.”  My father informed me.

“Have some magnesium.”

Ahhhh! Pimples!

Last night I noticed a few pimples on my face.

Not huge ones, but pimples. (Plural)

I had to act, before it became an epidemic.

I stayed up late googling and figuring out different options – I need good skin- always, why should I have to wear foundation?

The product that kept on popping up was Secret Indian Aztec Healing Clay.

It seemed to have the best reviews.

The best price.

The coolest properties.

The most exotic name.

The most interesting picture.

There was no way I could get the product by tomorrow morning I told myself. I googled stores. It didn’t seem to be sold anywhere near me. I then called all the health food stores I know.

Finally I found it! I drove myself the health food store. It was a nice store because it was large. Plus everything was labeled very clearly.

I walked in found the right aisle. Found it. Picked it up checked out and shot out of the store as fast as I could. I had schoolwork that had to be done. Work to go to. And an exam to study for.

(This was pretty impressive ~for me to just have a ton of self-control for no good (enough) reason!)

I sped home.

I felt this burning need to use the exciting, novelty. It was a powdered clay, that you have to add apple cider vinegar (yes-smells delicious 😉 Then you keep it on your face for a half of an hour. I had to go to work, but if I timed it right I would be able to do it. (And while it was hardening I could study!)


Finally it was time!!

I took a washcloth and made it boiling hot. I then began wiping off the hardening cement.

It took time but eventually it was all off.

I stared at myself carefully in the mirror and although it said your face may turn red- this took red to a whole new level!

How on earth was I going to work?

Tough! I told myself I shouldn’t have ignored the little voice in my head telling me to do it later tonight.

It was a first time use and that meant any pimples I had and wasn’t aware of, was brought to the surface.


I asked my co-worker if there was anything different about me today.

“Well, you have pimples….. What happened to your nice skin?”

It does not warrant a comment!


I made a nice oatmeal facemask, cuz I decided my face needed something else.

I whipped it up quickly since it’s a really easy recipe – consisting of egg-white and oatmeal smeared on face and left on for 15-20 minutes.

I was lying on a recliner, waiting for it to harden.

My father walked by and turned to my older brother, “this looks like an ad for something.”

My niece toddled by. She is a really precocious 2-year-old. Nope I am totally not a biased aunt or something!

“What’s that?” she asked.

“Oatmeal.” I responded.

“Can I have some?” Cuz clearly if I was putting it on my face, it was something worthwhile.

“No- it’s silly!” I sat her on my lap and told her, “Feel it”.

She did and then agreed she did not want it after all. Once it’s halfway dried it has a very spongy, icky consistency.

I let her into my room and sat her down allowing her to watch YouTube clips of random stuff.

In middle she turns to me and said, “You know,” (referring to my face,) “it’s weird!”

Then she insisted on using all of my makeup which I willingly complied – I love putting makeup on people. When I told her we were done and after the little girl inspected herself in the mirror and gave the okay –she then insisted that I had to put makeup on her doll. Her doll had a filthy face and I had to use nail polish remover to take off all the dirt. But after it actually looked pretty decent.

I took her out of my room to give her icecream (ha because I am not her mother – I get to spoil her rotten, and mind you this was waay after her bedtime!) I passed my brother in law in the hall.

His eyebrows shot up “Who pied you?”

My niece looked up at me, “It’s weird.” She informed me (again)

Okaaay I had more than enough comments I think it is time to wash it off!

I have discovered the miracle cure!!

No – not really me personally, I haven’t even had the opportunity to buy it yet, however I did a lot of research about it.

And I even convinced my co-worker to go out and buy it. (Hehe maybe I wanted a guinea pig 😉

Guess what it is?

Nope – not water (although that is a wonderful thing as well I wont deny it. I did lots reports on that. I also did a public (persuasive) speech on it.

Not apple cider vinegar (although my sister hates me for using it as a toner every night before going to bed-the smell is not the most pleasant thing out there.  She gags when she passes me in the hallway.)

–Drumroll Please—

Its Extra Virgin coconut oil (the oil and NOT the capsules.)

And totally not – its not one of those things that I have been into for about 5 minutes and gave up after realizing the results are not as instantaneous as I would wish, or are too time consuming to be practical (Yups I am pretty practical 😉

(Okay no need to laugh that hard)

That would be more along the lines of Avocado in my hair (which I have tried-and left it in till in turned brown and gross) or an acne trick of toothpaste, or a dieting trick  which meant eating honey before bedtime.

I am not going to go into all of the random things I have tried over the last five years of my life (maybe more.) They are far too numerous.

Going back to my discovery – based on all the evidence I have read. (and no – it was not from one individual blog.)

There isn’t very much of what it doesn’t cure.

It helps with:

  • Weight loss
  • Thyroid issues
  • Diabetes (stabilizes blood sugar)
  • Dental issues (really any mouth related issues including but not limited to dry mouth and any viruses and plaque etc.)
  • Candida (yeast infections)
  • Digestive issues
  • Focusing Issues and Alzheimer’s
  • Skin (Acne/scarring/razor bumps)
  • Hair (thinning/loss/lice)
  • Nails – (bumpiness/cracks)
  • Energy (it gives you lots of it) and Increases muscle mass
  • Helps with Parkinsons
  • Pink eye(or any viral issues)
  • Stress related issues (helps get your adrenal glands working – no more chronic fatigue syndrome)

That is just the tip of the iceberg.

Check out as well as Dr.Mercolas website.


Enjoy! I will let you all know what happened with it. I do plan on buying it as soon as the health food stores open tomorrow!!

Magnesium Deficiency


My head has become scrambled. Fatigue has overwhelmed me, partly because I haven’t been able to sleep due to insomnia.  My brain has become fuzzy, hazy and unclear. I couldn’t follow a clear train of thought. And  I began to have random migraines.

Driving, I usually love putting on music. I don’t put it on low either – but the noise began to annoy me.

Everything began to stress me.

I really did not know what to do with myself.

I tried doing exercise but it simply made me more tired.

I felt like I lost my mojo, my sense of self and it was driving me crazy.

Over the weekend I sat on my couch looking very pale and slightly out of it.

Everyone that knows me asked me what was wrong since no one sees me just sitting there! I am not a very sitting there type of person. Really not! I told them ‘nothing.’ In a quiet tone of voice.

They kept on asking – repeatedly.

Some tried to make me happy by doing small favors and by just being nice.

Nothing helped.

I was thinking that maybe I was a little burnt out from school and work and the like and that was what was making me so out of it. Obviously vacationing was a necessity. But I couldn’t seem to muster up enough energy to do any intense research to make plans.

I did not feel like eating. I couldn’t sleep. And my constant headaches were making me dizzy.

Then I began a lucid moment which made me think I may be depressed. But I am not that type and exercise is supposed to help. I didn’t.

I began doing some research.

Intense research and this is what I discovered:

A magnesium deficiency would cause the following:

§  Inability to sleep or insomnia

§  Irritability

§  Sensitivity to noise

§  Mental disturbances

§  Anxiety, depression or restlessness

§  Muscle soreness or spasms

§  High levels of stress

§  Headaches

§  Heart “flutters” or palpitations

§  Fatigue or unusual tiredness

§  Coldness in extremities

§  Fuzzy brain or difficulty concentrating

§  Allergies and sensitivities

§  Lack of appetite

§  Back pain

§  Body odor

§  Bad short term memory

§  Poor coordination

§  Carbohydrate cravings

§  Constipation

§  Frequent cavities or poor dental health

What clinched it were my cavities – I had just gone to the dentist and was horrified that even though I really take good care of my teeth the amount of cavities I had was unbelievable.

My research uncovered something else very interesting – that although I may be taking supplements but if its combined with calcium intake than it would bind with it and not get digested properly. Unless it’s in a 2:1 ratio. Another interesting point was the fact that a magnesium deficiency would be hard to detect since people have a low concentration of magnesium in the blood. It takes about two weeks for your body to be back to normal and I am looking forward.

Another solution that may expedite your good health is to take a bath with a cup of Epsom salt since that is one way your body can absorb it.

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments and I will respond to them!



Deep breathing. I keep on reminding myself. Deep breathing.

On the phone with the flight agent. Deep breathing

Athens doesn’t have the boats available when I need it. Deep breathing

My boss is not sure. Deep breathing

Other options, too many to count.  Deep breathing.

Tropical islands or somewhere in the middle east, maybe Switzerland.

Deep breathing .


School is only out the end of December. Deep breathing.

She cant come with me.

Deep breathing.


Deep breathing a necessity.